
Designing Multimedia Patient Education to Overcome COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

How can health care systems talk about the issue of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy with their patients? On this episode of Managed Care Cast, Pat Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs In, interviews the developer of interactive, people-centered, multimedia, educational programs for Wolters Kluwer Health.

Addressing vaccine hesitancy, which may take the form of refusing a vaccine or putting oneself in the “wait and see” camp while thinking it over, has never been more urgent as health authorities race to try and vaccinate as much of the population as possible against the virus that causes COVID-19 in 2021.

On this episode of Managed Care Cast, Pat Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs In, discusses education for patients on the topic of vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19. Her guest is Eve Gaus, who directs the development of interactive, people-centered, multimedia, educational programs for Wolters Kluwer Health. The programs are used by health care systems to address questions raised by patients about the vaccines, how they were approved, how they work, and more.

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