
Surprise Medical Bills Drive Up Health Premiums for All

In this episode of Managed Care Cast, Erin L. Duffy, PhD, MPH, and Loren Adler, MS, discuss the findings of their study, “Policies to Address Surprise Billing Can Affect Health Insurance Premiums.”

In this episode of Managed Care Cast, we speak with Erin L. Duffy, PhD, MPH, and Loren Adler, MS, about the study they cowrote, “Policies to Address Surprise Billing Can Affect Health Insurance Premiums.” The research describes how the problem of surprise medical billing has a broad financial impact on all commercially insured individuals—not just the patients who receive these bills.

Duffy is a postdoctoral research fellow at the USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, and Adler is associate director of the USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy.

The study appears in the September issue of The American Journal of Managed Care®.

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