

ASH 2023: Multiple Myeloma's Shifting Landscape: Trials and Clinical Perspectives

Health care professionals review the 2023 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition (ASH 2023) multiple myeloma revelations, spotlighting transformative trials, groundbreaking translational research, and clinical perspectives that illuminate the evolving treatment landscape.

This is a video synopsis/summary of a Peer Exchange featuring Joshua Richter, MD; Rafat Abonour, MD; Faith Davies, MD; and Amrita Krishnan, MD.

In a discussion about anticipated abstracts at ASH 2023, Krishnan expresses excitement about the PERSEUS trial (NCT03710603), emphasizing its potential practice-changing impact. Abonour highlights the significance of late-breaking abstracts, especially those focusing on combination therapies, monitoring using circulating DNA, and minimally invasive approaches. Davies is enthusiastic about translational studies, particularly single-cell sequencing, aiming to understand patient responses and nonresponses to immune therapies. Richter mentions a clinical trial that is a follow-up from a determination trial, suggesting potential differences in outcomes for African American patients with higher body mass index, sparking debate among the panel about its implications and the need for further investigation.

Video synopsis is AI-generated and reviewed by AJMC® editorial staff.

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