

Real-World Insights: Multiple Myeloma Treatment Challenges

A panel of experts discuss leveraging real-world data in multiple myeloma treatment decisions and explore the significance, limitations, and evolving role of real-world data, shedding light on patient experiences, access to care, and treatment outcomes beyond clinical trials.

This is a video synopsis/summary of a Peer Exchange featuring Joshua Richter, MD; Rafat Abonour, MD; Faith Davies, MD; and Amrita Krishnan, MD.

Richter explores the role of real-world data (RWD) in complementing randomized phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. Davies expresses belief in RWD, highlighting its significance in understanding patient populations not included in clinical trials due to strict entry criteria. While acknowledging RWD's value, Davies notes its potential limitations due to variations in data collection standards. Abonour emphasizes the evolving landscape with electronic medical records improving data granularity. Krishnan discusses the relevance of RWD in underserved populations and advanced relapsed disease, citing examples where RWD supplements trial data and provides valuable insights into areas where trials fall short.

Video synopsis is AI-generated and reviewed by AJMC® editorial staff.

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