

The American Journal of Managed Care
March 2010
Volume 16
Issue 3

List of Peer Reviewers (2009)

We thank the following individuals for serving as peer reviewers for The American Journal of Managed Care during 2009. Thanks to their efforts, the Journal is able to publish scientifically sound and relevant research for our readers.

Amy P. Abernethy, MD

Ghassan Abou-Alfa, MD

Susan M. Abughosh, PhD

Nelofar Adnan, MD

Christopher C. Afendulis, PhD

Faruque Ahmed, MD, PhD

Charles M. Alexander, MD

G. Caleb Alexander, MD

Larry A. Allen, MD, MHS

Gail M. Amundson, MD

Henry Daniel Anaya, PhD

Douglas C. Anderson, PharmD, DPh

Gerard F. Anderson, PhD

Susan E. Andrade, ScD

Tatiana Andreyeva, PhD

Rajender R. Aparasu, PhD

Greg Arling, PhD

Renee J. G. Arnold, PharmD

David C. Aron, MD, MS

David Arterburn, MD, MPH

Mark Atkinson, PhD

Steven J. Atlas, MD, MPH

Stewart Babbott, MD

Jim Backes, PharmD

Kevin T. Bain, PharmD

Jerry R. Balentine, DO

Rajesh Balkrishnan, PhD

Daniel E. Ball, DrPH

Barbara Bardenheier, MPH

Sarah Beth Barnett

Janice M. Barnhart, MD, MS

Michael S. Barr, MD

John J. Barron, PharmD

Larry Baruch, MD

Jayasree Basu, PhD

Nikola Bauman, PhD

Beth M. Beaudin-Seiler, MPA

David James Becker, PhD

Charles L. Bennett, MD, PhD

Hilde Berdine, PharmD

Robert A. Berenson, MD

Howard S. Berliner, ScD

Stephen Berman, MD

John T. Berthiaume, MD

Brian L. Biles, MD

Andrew B. Bindman, MD

Howard G. Birnbaum, PhD

Judith S. Black, MD

Christopher M. Blanchette, PhD

Thomas Bodenheimer, MD

Roger A. Boothroyd, PhD

Hayden B. Bosworth, PhD

Jing Fang, MD

Adrianne C. Feldstein, MD

Suzanne Felt-Lisk, MPA

Joshua J. Fenton, MD, MPH

Benjamin G. Fincke, MD

Howard Fink, MD, MPH

Eric A. Finkelstein, PhD

Jonathan Finkelstein, MD

Dan J. Fintel, MD

Michael Adam Fischer, MD

Karen Fitzner, PhD

Glenn Flores, MD

Thomas J. Flottemesch, PhD

Ronald Fong, MD

John Fontanesi, PhD

Christopher B. Forrest, MD, PhD

Alan Forster, MD

John C. Fortney, PhD

Norman L. Foster, MD

Jay H. Fowke, PhD, MD

Austin Frakt, PhD

Gary L. Freed, MD, MPH

Bruce J. Fried, PhD

Mark William Friedberg, MD, MPP

Howard S. Friedman, MD

Maria A. Friedman

Paul Fronstin, PhD

Manjusha J. Gaglani, MBBS

Alison Galbraith, MD, MPH

Shravanthi R. Gandra, PhD, MBA

Francesca M. Gany, MD

Patricia A. Ganz, MD

Anne K. Gauthier, MS

Benjamin P. Geisler, MD

Walid F. Gellad, MD, MPH

Pamela Germain, MBA

Arindam Ghosh, PhD

Aida Giachello, PhD

Teresa B. Gibson, PhD

Boyd H. Gilman, PhD

Todd Gilmer, PhD

Aaron M. Gilson, PhD

Seth Glickman, MD

Ron Z. Goetzel, PhD

Heather Taffet Gold, PhD

Adam G. Golden, MD, MBA

Neil I. Goldfarb, BA

Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, PhD

Dana P. Goldman, PhD

Lauren Elizabeth Goldman, MD

Jay L. Goldstein, MD

Stanislaw Golec, MD

Kaiser Lim, MD

Ariel Linden, DrPH

Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH

Earlene Lipowski, PhD

Amy Lischko

Constance Liu, PhD

Hangsheng Liu, PhD

Anthony T. LoSasso, PhD

Edward V. Loftus, MD

Everett E. Logue, PhD

Lenny Lopez, MD, MDiv, MPH

Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, MD

Christine Y. Lu, PhD

Nancy Rudner Lugo, DrPH

Jon D. Lurie, MD

Nicole Lurie, MD

C. Alan Lyles, ScD, MPH

Alex Macario, MD, MBA

Matthew L. Maciejewski, PhD

Karl J. Madaras-Kelly, PharmD

Elizabeth A. Madigan, PhD, RN

Gayenell S. Magwood, PhD, RN

Martin C. Mahoney, MD, PhD

Donna Malvey, PhD, MHSA

Keith Evan Mandel, MD

Russell Mardon, MD

Jay Margolis, PharmD

Tami L. Mark, PhD, MPH

Joel C. Marrs, PharmD

Leslie Martin, PhD

Richard Martinello, MD

Barry J. Materson, MD

Richard S. Mathis, PhD

David L. McClure, MS

Kirk McConnell

Clement J. McDonald, MD

Robert C. McDonald, MD, MBA

Michael Shawn McFarland, PharmD

Trevor McKibbin, MD

Andrew Thomas McLellan, PhD

Cheryl N. McMahill-Walraven, MSW

Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH

Joy L. Meier, PharmD

Ying-Ying Meng, DrPH

Joseph Menzin, PhD

Lisa S. Meredith, PhD

Geno Merli, MD

Elizabeth L. Merrick, PhD

G. Edward Miller, PhD

Christopher Paul Milne, DVM, MPH, JD

Michael Eric Minshall, MPH

David Mirkin, MD

William A. Rush, PhD

Naomi C. Sacks, MA

Eduardo Salas, PhD

Patricia R. Salber, MD, MBA

Anne Sales, PhD

David Salkever, PhD

Shelley R. Salpeter, MD

Ronald Samuels, MD, MPH

Martin G. Sanda, MD

Lewis G. Sandy, MD, MBA

Hanna K. Sanoff, MD

Judith Savageau, MPH

Monica Gail Schaefer, PharmD

Stanley J. Schaffer, MD, MS

Michael Schatz, MD

Howard I. Scher, MD

Jordana Schmier, MS

Sid J. Schneider, PhD

Sarah Hudson Scholle, DrPH

Jon C. Schommer, PharmD

Alyssa B. Schultz, MS

Richard J. Schuster, MD

Bette Seamonds

Rebecca Lynn Sedjo, PhD

Richard Segal, PhD

Deepti Senapati

Cary Sennett, MD, PhD

David M. Shade, JD

Jason T. Shafrin, PhD

Nilay Shah, PhD

Verinder Sharma, MB

Heather M. Sharpe, RN

Paul Shekelle, MD, MPH

Jay Shen, PhD

Elizabeth A. Shenkman, PhD

Bruce Sherman, MD

Lizheng Shi, PhD

Jessica Shin

Pamela Farley Short, PhD

Jaan E. Sidorov, MD

Maria J. Silveira, MD

Kosali I. Simon, PhD

Jasvinder A. Singh, MD, MPH

Sonal Singh, MD

Susan F. Slovin, MD

Dean G. Smith, PhD

Jeffrey L. Smith, PhD

Diana M. Sobieraj, PharmD

Michael C. Sokol, MD

Leif I. Solberg, MD

Matthew David Solomon, MD, PhD

Benjamin D. Sommers, PhD

Kevin J. Bozic, MD, MBA

Cindy Brach, MPP

Ronald S. Braithwaite, MD

David W. Brandes, MD

John G. Brehm, MD

Kira Brice, PharmD

Becky Briesacher, PhD

Joel V. Brill, MD

Gert Bronfort, PhD, DC

Maurice Alan Brookhart, MD

Amie Brooks, PharmD

Billie Ann Brotman, PhD

Adalsteinn Brown, PhD

Charlotte Brown, PhD

Derek S. Brown, PhD

Jared Bruce, PhD

Andrew John Brunskill, PhD, MB, BS

Glenn J. Bubley, MD

Sharon Bell Buchbinder, PhD, RN

Dan Budnitz, MD, MPH

Marijean Buhse, PhD, RN

Ragnhild Sigrid Bundesmann, PhD

M. Kate Bundorf, PhD, MBA, MPH

Susan H. Busch, PhD

Richard Butler, PhD

Jason T. Call, MD

Sean Candrilli, MS

Joseph C. Cappelleri, PhD, MPH

Kathleen Carey, PhD

John C. Carl, MD

Melissa DA Carlson, PhD, MPH

Nikki M. Carroll, MS

Norman V. Carroll, PhD

William T. Cecil, MBA

James Chan, PharmD, PhD

Shalini Chandra, MD, MS

Anna Marie Chang, MD

Cyril F. Chang, PhD

Kenneth R. Chapman, MD

Richard Chapman, PhD

Sajal K. Chattopadhyay, PhD

Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MS

Alyna Tung-Mei Chien, MD

Ann Chou, PhD

Niteesh K. Choudhry, MD, PhD

Jon B. Christianson, PhD

Christine Clark, PharmD

Gary Claxton

Bruce A. Cohen, MD

Leonard A. Cohen, DDS, MPH

Jacque Cole, RN

Jennifer Cole, PhD

Chester B. Good, MD

Allan Goroll, MD

Jon C. Gould, MD

Gautam Gowrisankaran, PhD

David C. Grabowski, PhD

John A. Grant, MD, PhD

Rochelle Green

Jeffrey L. Greenwald, MD

Jennifer J. Griggs, MD

Albert Grobmyer, MD

Hitinder Singh Gurm, MD

David Andrew Haggstrom, MD

Catherin Hammett-Stabler, PhD

Melinda C. Haren, RN

John M. Harris, MD

Brooke Harrow, PhD

Daniel Hartung, PharmD

Kevin Hayes, PhD

Yulei He, PhD

Erika Heaton

Erika M. Hedden, BBA, MJ

Michele Heisler, MD

Fred J. Hellinger, PhD

Samantha Hendren, MD

Rachel M. Henke, PhD

Mary L. Hennessey, PhD

David C. Hess, MD

Anthony D. Heymann, MBBS

Lauri A. Hicks, DO

P. Michael Ho, MD, PhD

Marilyn J. Hodgins, RN, PhD

Thomas Hoerger, MD

Nancy J. Holland, EdD, RN

Cheryl L. Holt, PhD

Lynda Honberg, MHSA

Faith Hopp, PhD

Ronnie D. Horner, PhD

Michael D. Horowitz, MD

David Howard, PhD

Robert H. Howland, MD

Jean Hsieh, PhD

John T. Hsu, MD

Marco D. Huesch, PhD, MBBS

Daniel M. Huse, MA

Eli Ipp, MD

Elizabeth Anne Jackson, BS

George Lee Jackson, PhD, MHA

Mireille Jacobson, PhD

Susan L. Janson, RN

JaNae Joyner-Grantham, PhD

Kyoungrae Jung, PhD

Natan R. Kahan, PhD, RPh

Sohail K. Mirza, MD, MPH

Lee Rivers Mobley, PhD

Leticia R. Moczygemba, PharmD, PhD

Noelle Angelique M. Molinari, PhD

Robert D. Mootz, DC

Alvaro Moreno-Aspitia, MD

Elaine H. Morrato, DrPH, MPH

Arden M. Morris, MD, MPH

Patrick G. Morris, MD

Michael Morrisey, PhD

Thomas J. Morrow, MD

Lori Mosca, MD, PhD

Susan R. Moscato, EdD, RN

David M. Mosen, PhD, MPH

Jeffrey W. Moses, MD

Brenda R. Motheral, PhD, BPharm, MBA

Debabrata Mukherjee, MD

Beverly A. Mulvihill, MD

Savithri Nageswaran, MD

Allison Naleway, PhD

Amar Nawathe, MD

Charles L. Nelson, MD

Harold S. Nelson, MD

David R. Nerenz, PhD

Lee N. Newcomer, MD, MHA

Louis L. Nguyen, MD

Michael B. Nichol, PhD

Gregory A. Nichols, PhD

James Nichols, PhD

Steven E. Nissen, MD

Frederick North, MD

Laurel L. Northouse, PhD, RN

Katia Noyes, PhD, MPH

Paul A. Nutting, MD

Christopher M. O'Connor, MD

Margaret E. O'Kane, MHS

Suzanne C. O'Neill, PhD

Elizabeth Ogburn, PhD

Pamela A. Ohman-Strickland, PhD

Yasuharu Okunda, MD

Kari L. Olson, Pharm D

James W. Orr, MD

Ismael R. Ortega-Sanchez, PhD

Ronald J. Ozminkowski, PhD

Serguei V. Pakhomov, PhD

Latha P. Palaniappan, MD

Francis B. Palumbo, PhD, Esq

Frank J. Papatheofanis, MD, PhD

Stephen T. Parente, PhD, MPH

Patricia H. Parkerton, PhD

Seema S. Sonnad, PhD

Craig W. Spellman, PhD, DO

Miron Stano, PhD

Barbara H. Starfield, MD, MPH

Kenneth J. Steier, DO, MHA

Condit Steil, PharmD

Michael A. Steinman, MD

Debbie Stern, RPh

Lee Stern, MS

Ron Stock, MD

Karen M. Stockl, PharmD

Bruce Stuart, PhD

William H. Stuart, MD

Heather L. Stuckey, Ded

David Studdert, ScD, MPH

Rebecca Sudore, MD

Dong-Churl Suh, PhD, MBA

Laura L. Summer, MPH

Shawn X. Sun, PhD

J. Michael Swint, PhD

Jeffrey A. Switzer, DO

Edward P. Syron, PhD

Stanley J. Szefler, MD, PhD

Ying P. Tabak, PhD

Deborah Taira Juarez, ScD

Laura E. Targownik, MD

Chris Tawwater, PharmD

Chip A. Taylor, MD, MPH

Ronald J. Teufel, MD

Stephen Thielke, MD, MA

Cindy Parks Thomas, PhD

J. William Thomas, PhD

William H. Thomas, MD

Kenneth E. Thorpe, PhD

Marcus Thygeson, MD

Jon C. Tilburt, MD

William N. Tindall, PhD, RPh

Diana Tisnado, PhD

Daniel R. Touchette, PharmD

Jessie L. Tucker, PhD

Aaron Turner, PhD

Guillermo Umpierrez, MD

Sharon W. Utz, PhD, RN

Tushar J. Vachharajani, MD

Robert J. Valuck, PhD, RPh

Alan P. Venook, MD

James M. Verdier, JD

Timothy W. Victor, PhD

Eva M. Vivian, PharmD

Christine Vogeli, PhD

F. Randy Vogenberg, PhD, RPh

Vivian Yaling WU, PhD

Katie Coleman, MSPH

Margaret S. Coleman, PhD

Michael Coleman, MBA

Robert D. Compton, DDS

Douglas A. Conrad, PhD

Eileen Cooper

Philip Cooper, PhD

Laurel Anne Copeland, PhD

Leon E. Cosler, PhD, RPh

Teresa A. Coughlin, MPH

Pierre Cremieux, PhD

Janice D. Crist, RN, PhD

Jay Crosson, MD

Michelle L. Czarnecki, RN

Mark J. Cziraky, PharmD

Karen Dahri, PharmD

Barbara J. Daly, PhD, RN

Jeanette Daly, PhD, RN

Gestur Davidson, PhD

Michael Davidson, MD

Raisa Deber, PhD

Steven Delaronde, MPH, MSW

Richard Derby, MD

Stephen F. Derose, MD

Catherine M. DesRoches, PhD

Helen Dimich-Ward, PhD

Anastasios Dimou, MD

Clara Elizabeth Dismuke, PhD

Paul P. Dobesh, PharmD

Mark J. Dobrow, PhD

William R. Doucette, PhD

Pamela S. Douglas, MD

Bryan Dowd, PhD

Kristen E. Downs, MSPH

Joseph J. Doyle, MBA, RPh

Jacob Dreiher, MD, MPH

Michael Drummond, PhD

Obidiugwu Kenrik Duru, MD

Gareth Dutton, PhD

Francois de Brantes, MS, MBA

Jonathan Edelheit

Katherine W. Eisenberg, BA

Eric L. Eisenstein, DBA

Juliana Ekong, MD

Avishay Elis, MD

Randall P. Ellis, PhD

Jennifer Eng-Wong, MD, MPH

Frank R. Ernst, PharmD, MS

Charity Evans, BSP

Angela Fagerlin, PhD

L. J. Fagnan, MD

Gerry Fairbrother, PhD

Erin O'Brien Kaleba, MPH

Iftekhar Kalsekar, PhD

Siddhesh Kamat, MS

Sunanda V. Kane, MD

Abby Swanson Kazley, PhD

Cathy Kelley, PharmD

John T. Kelly, MD, PhD

Christina ML Kelton, PhD

Allison Kempe, MD, MPH

David M. Kendall, MD

Shamima Khan, PhD

Elyse Olshen Kharband, MD

Yaariv Khaykin, MD

Ramin Khorasani, MD

Albert S. Khouri, MD

Meredith L. Kilgore, PhD

Sanford R. Kimmel, MD

Julienne K. Kirk, PharmD

H. Asuman Kiyak, PhD

Nathan L. Kleinman, PhD

Donald G. Klepser, PhD

Maureen E. Knell, PharmD

Christopher Koenig, PhD

Maureen S. Kolasa, RN, MPH

Andrew Kolbasovsky, PsyD

Thomas Erling Kottke, MD

John Edward Kralewski, PhD

Judith M. Kramer, MD

Mori J. Krantz, MD

Sunil Kripalani, MD, MSc

Richard Kronick, PhD

Victoria A. Kumar, MS

Joanne LaFleur, PharmD

Joseph A. Ladapo, PhD

Elissa Ladd, PhD, RN

Pamela B. Landsman, DrPH

David M. Lang, MD

Melinda S. Lantz, MD

Shana Alex Lavarreda, PhD

Carl J. Lavie, MD

Sandra Leal, PharmD

Joy L. Lee, BA

Sei Lee, MD

Thomas H. Lee, MD

Jeff Levin-Scherz, MD, MBA

Steven R. Levine, MD

Blair S. Lewis, MD

William R. Lewis, MD

Joel Lexchin, MD

Hong Li, PhD

Yue Li, PhD

Frank R. Lichtenberg, PhD

David R. Parkinson, MD

David Parra, PharmD

L. Gregory Pawlson, MD, MPH

Elise M. Pelletier, MS

Robert Penfold, MD

Edith A. Perez, MD

Joseph Pergolizzi, MD

Stephen D. Persell, MD, MPH

Andrew M. Peterson, PharmD

Diana Petitti, MD, MPH

Shobha Phansalkar, PhD, RPh

Robert Phillips, MD, MSPH

Kai-Lit Phua, PhD

Pedro A. Piedra, MD

Michael Pine, MD, MBA

Steven D. Pizer, PhD

Brett Platte

Mary E. Plomondon, PhD, MSPH

Jennifer M. Polinski, MPH, MS

Maarten J. Postma, PhD

Michael L. Power, PhD

Cecilia Prela, PharmD

Janice C. Probst, PhD

Mary Jo V. Pugh, PhD

Kevin J. Pursel, DC

Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD

Karen Rascati, PhD, RPh

Kimberly Rask, MD, PhD

Maria C. Raven, MD, MPH

Gregory Reardon, PhD, RPh

Mary Reed, DrPH

Robert J. Reid, MD, PhD

YongJoo Rhee, DrPH

Nahid J. Rianon, MD, MPH

Daniel M. Riche, PharmD

Cynthia M. Ripsin, MD

Scott W. Roberts, MD

Dylan H. Roby, PhD

Holly Rodin, PhD

Hector P. Rodriguez, PhD, MPH

Stephanie Andrea Rose, MD, MPH

Jorge Rosenthal, PhD

Meredith B. Rosenthal, PhD

Amy Perrin Ross, APN, MSN

Christianne L. Roumie, MD, MPH

Matthew D. Rousculp, PhD, MPH

Christopher L. Roy, MD

Yelena Rozenfeld, MPH

Gary Rozier, DDS

Eric M. Ruderman, MD

Randall Rupper, MD, MPH

Christopher Ruser, MD

Monika Wagner, PhD

Deborah Waldrop, PhD

Ernest E. Wang, MD

Feifei Wang, PhD

Jue Wang, MD

Katherine Ward, MD

Peggy Ward-Smith, PhD

C. Wayne Weart, PharmD

Ellen J. Weber, MD

Valerie Weber, MD

Arnold A. Wegh, MS

Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, MD

Jane A. Weintraub, DDS, MPH

Derek Weycker, PhD

Michael E. Whitcomb, MD

Robin R. Whitebird, PhD

Douglas R. Wholey, MBA, PhD

Jacob M. Willet, MPH

Vincent J. Willey, PharmD

Summer Williams, PhD

Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer, MD, ScD

Carla A. Winston, PhD

Bruce M. Wolfe, MD

Sabrina Wong, PhD, RN

Claudine Woo, PhD

LeChauncy D. Woodard, MD, MPH

Susan Swartz Woods, MD, MPH

Chuntao Wu, MD, PhD

Jia-Rong Wu, PhD, RN

Robin Yabroff, MD

Louis Yen, PhD

Jean Yoon, PhD

Mustafa Z. Younis, PhD, MBA

S. Yousuf Zafar, MD

Jean-Claude Zenklusen, MD

Judy T. Zerzan, MD, MPH

Dongmu Zhang, PhD

Yongming Zhao, PhD

Daniella Zipkin, MD

John Zweifler, MD

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