Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the healthcare and mainstream press.
In an article on Harvard Business Review, authors of a study published in the February 2020 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®), titled “Impact of Complex Care Management on Spending and Utilization for High-Need, High-Cost Medicaid Patients,” reference their findings in detailing how to improve care for high-need, high-cost Medicaid patients. In the study, the authors report that complex care management for these patients significantly reduced total medical expenditures and inpatient utilization in a randomized quality improvement trial.
A piece contributed to Forbes, “The Costs of Rejecting Vaccinations,” highlighted a January 2020 supplement to AJMC®, “Assessing the Cost of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.” The study analyzed the cost burdens of vaccine-preventable illnesses nationwide, estimating that the “United States spends nearly $27 billion treating adults for diseases that could have been prevented with vaccinations” and that the previous generation of vaccinated children is predicted to save the healthcare system $295 billion in direct medical costs.
An article published on, titled “Abbott, DexCom Partner With Insulet to Improve Diabetes Management Technology,” was cited in Medgazzete 24, who detailed the partnership’s aim to improve diabetes management technology. As the article notes, Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre system will become compatible with Insulet’s Omnipod Horizon, in an effort to “offer personalized automated insulin delivery and care for people living with diabetes.”
The Heartland Institute’s article, “Policy Tip Sheet: Telehealth Could Bring Savings to Medicaid,” referenced a study published in the February 2015 issue of AJMC®. The study, “Leveraging Remote Behavioral Health Interventions to Improve Medical Outcomes and Reduce Costs,” found that successful patient engagement in a nationally available, remotely delivered behavioral health intervention can significantly improve medical outcomes and lower healthcare costs.