
Biosimilars Are Being Approved but Not Reaching the Market

Just halfway through the year, 2019 has been busy for biosimilars, with new guidance and approvals but also the loss of a big advocate of biosimilars from the FDA.

Just halfway through the year, 2019 has been busy for biosimilars, with new guidance and approvals but also the loss of a big advocate of biosimilars from the FDA. In this episode of Managed Care Cast, Kelly Davio, senior editor of The Center for Biosimilars®, a sister site of The American Journal of Managed Care®, discusses new approvals; what the loss of Scott Gottlieb, MD, as FDA commissioner means; the reality of pay-for-delay deals; and more.

Editor's note: since this conversation was recorded, 2 additional biosimilars, both anticancer agents, have launched in the United States. Learn more here.





Learn more about biosimilars at centerforbiosimilars.com.

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