September is National Recovery Month, and we are bringing you another limited-edition month-long podcast series with our Strategic Alliance Partner, UPMC Health Plan. In this first episode, we speak with Michael Lynch, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and an attending emergency physician and medical toxicologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
To help celebrate and recognize National Recovery Month, we are bringing you another limited-edition month-long podcast series with our Strategic Alliance Partner, UPMC Health Plan. Welcome to our first episode and our discussion with Michael Lynch, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and an attending emergency physician and medical toxicologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
In our conversation, Dr. Lynch addresses what happens when an individual overdoses and what substances beyond fentanyl may be to blame for high rates of opioid use disorder. He also speaks to potential reasons behind the excessive overdose mortality rate in Pennsylvania—in 2022, the state came in at #4 for drug overdose mortality in the US—shares his thoughts on OTC naloxone, and provides insights from his work with the UPMC Toxicology Telemedicine Bridge Clinic.
We hope you learn something new from this series, and we look forward to bringing you future episodes. Please tune in each Monday in September for a new episode drop.
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