
ISPOR 2019: On Location Interviews, Day 2

Interviews with Julia Slejko, PhD, of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, and Michael Sherman, MD, of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, from day 2 of the ISPOR 2019 annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

You can also watch day 1 and day 3.

Today, we are on site for day 2 of ISPOR’s annual conference in New Orleans!

We will be recapping some of the top news presented each day during the meeting—and soon we’ll speak with Julia Slejko, PhD, an assistant professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, about incorporating the patient voice into value-based decision making, and Michael Sherman, MD, the chief medical officer of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, about ICER’s value-based price assessments.

Welcome to AJMC® On Location, I’m Jaime Rosenberg!

During the second day of the meeting, sessions surrounded value and different mechanisms of determining cost-effectiveness. First, there was a session on ICER and its value-based price assessments that inform payer access decisions. Another session took a look at different approaches that leverage real-world data in order to extend the survival curve in cost-effectiveness analyses. Finally, a session explored additional elements of value that could be included in value assessment of new drugs.

Read coverage and watch additional interviews from the meeting at

That’s all for today. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s AJMC® On Location, where we will sit down with Yousuf Zafar, MD, associate professor of medicine and population health sciences at Duke University School of Medicine and a medical oncologist at Duke Cancer Institute, about incorporating patient-reported process measures in value-based programs, and Lou Garrison, PhD, a professor emeritus in the Department of Pharmacy at University of Washington, about the benefits and challenges of using the quality-adjusted life year to determine cost-effectiveness.

Thank you for watching AJMC® News Network! I’m Jaime Rosenberg

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