As the healthcare industry moves more toward value-based payments, practices have a real need for data that is usable and can help them succeed in new payment models, Kim Woofter, executive vice president of strategic alliances and practice innovation at the Advanced Centers for Cancer Care, explained at OncoCloud '17, held by Flatiron Health September 16-17 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
As the healthcare industry moves more toward value-based payments, practices have a real need for data that is usable and can help them succeed in new payment models, Kim Woofter, executive vice president of strategic alliances and practice innovation at the Advanced Centers for Cancer Care, explained at OncoCloud '17, held by Flatiron Health September 16-17 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
What are the main challenges to implementing value-based payments in oncology?
So many practices do not know exactly what it costs for them to deliver that care, so they can't get into value-based care if they don't truly know what it costs them. There's too much risk involved. And so as organizations, such as Flatiron Health and some of the consolidation of data and the ability to look at your patient base over a continuum so that you can actually go into a value-based model with information or well informed and that will help you to be successful.
How can practices ensure that all the data they are receiving and have access to are being used at the point of care?
That's a really good question, because to use data at the point of care, it has to be cleansed and streamlined and to get into the hands of a provider is a very difficult task. It takes a larger organizqtion with some real knowledge about the workflow of a practice to actually make that happen. I think you're seeing that in some of the Flatiron tools that are being developed right now. I think as we left the session this morning with Dr Bobby Green, being a physician who understands the workflow and to get that technology that information into his hands at the point of care will actually help to drive the continuum and the ability to succesfully participate in value-based care.
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