Today is the last day to submit applications for the April 1 start date of the CMS' Medicare Shared Savings Program, the government's payment and delivery program for accountable care organizations (ACO).
The CMS began accepting applications Dec. 1, and applicants will receive notice of their approval or denial by March 16, according to a timeline in the 21-page application (PDF). The application period for the program's July 1 start date runs from March 1 through March 30.
“Program start dates have varying agreement periods,” the CMS said. Organizations that begin on April 1 will commit to an agreement period lasting three years and nine months, while those starting in July will agree to three years and six months.
The application questions cover a range of topics, including governance, legal issues and finance. It also asks applicants to “submit narratives” describing how their ACOs will tackle issues such as beneficiary engagement, quality reporting and care coordination.
Applications must be received by 5 p.m. ET, the CMS said.Source: Modern Healthcare