
Senate Launches Effort to Increase Quality of Care Through EHR Use

Senate health committee leaders are launching an effort to help realize the promise of electronic health records to increase quality of care.

Senate health committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn, and Ranking Member Patty Murray, D-Wash, announced a bipartisan, full committee working group to identify ways to improve electronic health records.

“After $28 billion in taxpayer dollars spent subsidizing electronic health records, ‎doctors don’t like these electronic medical record systems and say they disrupt workflow, interrupt the doctor-patient relationship and haven’t been worth the effort,” said Mr Alexander. "The goal of this working group is to identify the 5 or 6 things we can do to help make the failed promise of electronic health records something that physicians and providers look forward to instead of something they endure.”

Read the press release from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions:

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