Does Opioid Therapy Affect Quality of Care for Diabetes Mellitus?
Within the Veterans Affairs system, diabetes performance measures were similar in patients who received chronic opioid therapy and in those who did not.
Moving From A to Z: Successful Implementation of a Statin Switch Program by a Large Physician Group
This report shows that a successful, cost-effective statin switch program can be implemented by a large physician group via a centralized, collaborative process.
Cost-Effectiveness of Salmeterol, Fluticasone, and Combination Therapy for COPD
April 2nd 2009This cost-utility analysis compares the cost-effectiveness of salmeterol, fluticasone propionate, combination salmeterolfluticasone, and no maintenance therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Assessing Outcomes in Child Psychiatry
Two standardized rating scales appeared to be valid and reliable for use at admission and possibly follow-up in a child psychiatry system of care.
Pharmaceutical Company Influence on Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Prescribing Behaviors
April 1st 2009This study describes the social and communicative strategies pharmaceutical companies use to influence NSAID prescribing behaviors and elicits physicians' perceptions and counterbalances to these strategies.