Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the health care and mainstream press.
HealthLeaders Media referenced a study published in the May 2022 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). The study, “Disparities in Health Care Use Among Low-Salary and High-Salary Employees,” indicated that lower-salary employees in high-deductible health plans underutilize outpatient care and overutilize emergency departments.
A piece by Modern Healthcare that was featured on the May 13, 2022, Morning Briefing by Kaiser Health News cited a study published in the May 2022 issue of AJMC®, titled “Characteristics of Home-Based Care Provided by Accountable Care Organizations.” The study showed that although accountable care organizations deliver a diverse array of home-based services, many of the services are not reimbursed.
Achieving the Goals of Value-Based Care for Multiple Sclerosis