Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the health care and mainstream press.
An article by Morning Journal cited a study published in the July 2020 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®), titled “The Escalation of the Opioid Epidemic Due to COVID-19 and Resulting Lessons About Treatment Alternatives.” The study indicated that investing in modalities that promote building emotional resiliency and help address the factors that made patients susceptible to opioid reliance in the first place are key to addressing the growing opioid epidemic amid the pandemic.
A piece by WGNO spotlighted a study published in the June 2020 issue of AJMC®. The study, “Value-Based Insurance Design in Louisiana: Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Zero Dollar Co-pay Program,” found that enrollment in a value-based insurance design program that eliminated pharmacy co-pays for 4 chronic disease drug classes was associated with a large decline in health care spending.
An article by FOX 5 Washington DC referenced a study published in The American Journal of Accountable Care®, the sister journal of AJMC®. The study, “Current Value-Based Care Models Need Greater Emphasis on Specialty Care,” provided an overview of the impact of specialty care and the opportunity for it to leapfrog primary care as a lead focus for accountable care.