Little is known about opioid prescribing patterns in patients with chronic overlapping pain conditions. This study suggests target populations for interventions to manage chronic pain.
Collaboration between a clinical laboratory and a managed care organization improved prenatal care and outcomes through real-time, actionable, laboratory-derived insights and care coordination.
Real-world cross-validation of insurer and hospital price transparency data finds low overlap but high concordance between data sources.
Disease burden estimates of pneumonia-associated hospitalizations are more sensitive when including pneumonia coded in any diagnosis field vs in only the first discharge diagnosis field.
Adolescent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery can preserve health and restore function of the knee joint, but the surgical cost has outpaced inflation.
The authors report overutilization of telemetry monitoring in a community setting, increasing the cost of health care and potential harm to patients with unnecessary interventions.
A 3-year follow-up of patients with refractory/relapsed indolent non-Hodgkin (NHL) treated with a combination of magrolimab and rituximab showed no new treatment-emergent adverse events, suggesting long-term safety. The treatment also confirmed magrolimab penetration into the tumor.
TeleConnect introduces the concept of connecting primary care physicians and specialists by leveraging technology. Improving communication in a health care system betters patient care.
This article describes the implementation of Medicaid smoking cessation guidance in a large, urban federally qualified health center to examine how state-level provisions translated into clinic-level policies.
An expert panel identified and assessed electronic health record and health information exchange structured data elements to support future development of social risk factor computable phenotyping.
The approval of Amneal Pharmaceuticals’ generic version of rifaximin 550 mg oral tablets is tentative due to the product’s involvement in litigation.
This evaluation looks at a postdischarge digital engagement (PDDE) program using causal inference methods to examine the impact of PDDE on readmission.
Adults with cancer may have difficulty self-assessing the clinical severity of their acute care needs, yet they rarely use a telephone triage line available to them.
State surprise billing protections decreased emergency department (ED) out-of-pocket payments to such an extent that ED visits actually increased.
This study quantified the trends over time in utilization of, spending on, and access to CT fractional flow reserve, the first artificial intelligence (AI)–enabled clinical software reimbursed by Medicare.
Health plan dissatisfaction was higher among Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) beneficiaries who did not follow through with an intention to change health plans.
Medication dose captures modification of hypertension treatment intensity more precisely than medication count, and this measure should be preferred in studies that aim to improve hypertension management.
The Wellth smartphone app significantly increased medication adherence and lowered unnecessary health care utilization and costs over 9 months among Medicaid beneficiaries who were self-managing chronic conditions.
This is the third article in a series on value-based care and the 4 challenges health care organizations must overcome.
Obesity is a serious chronic disease and risk factor for a broad range of outcomes. This study identifies opportunities for improving quality in obesity care.
The authors use surgical resident assignment as an instrumental variable for discharge opioid prescribing and estimate the impact of discharge opioid supply on subsequent use.
Projected savings from biosimilars from 2021 to 2025 were $38.4 billion vs conditions as of quarter 4 of 2020 and were driven by new biosimilar entry. Savings were $124.5 billion under an upper-bound scenario.
Although commercial accountable care organization populations are healthy on average, some individuals might benefit from programs for high-risk patients to mitigate high levels of health care utilization.
The Patient-Centered Rheumatology Collaborative identified several critical areas for further intervention to improve the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Implementing a proactive provider outreach program resulted in significantly more prior authorization recertifications and a reduction in time to submission.
Findings suggest that Basaglar was not less expensive for patients than Lantus. Empirical evaluation of biosimilar costs prior to automatic substitution is necessary.
This article proposes a new model, Public-Primary ACP, that leverages coordination between primary care and public health workforces to improve delivery of advance care planning.
Telemedicine in safety-net primary care faces particular challenges. Consistent, team-based workflows can support video visit implementation and health care maintenance in telemedicine visits.