Best Practices for Optimal Outcomes in the Treatment of Diabetes
This supplement to The American Journal of Managed Care reviews the burden of type 2 diabetes, overcoming obstacles to its effective care, and integrating clinical needs with medical policy and practice.
William B. Bunn III, MD, JD, MPH
Vice President
Health, Safety, Security, and Productivity
Navistar, Inc
Warrenville, Illinois
R. Keith Campbell, RPh, FASHP, FAPhA, CDE
Distinguished Professor in Diabetes Care/Pharmacotherapy
College of Pharmacy
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington
Allan Jay Kogan, MD, MSS, ABFP, FAAFP, CPE
Medical Director, West Region
Department of Medical Management
CIGNA/Great West Healthcare
Dallas, Texas
Teresa M. Martin, RD, LD, CDE
Clinical Educator
Bend, Oregon
Faculty Disclosures
The faculty reported relationships with the following organizations:
William B. Bunn III, MD, JD, MPH, Keith Campbell, RPh, FASHP, FAPhA, CDE, Allan Jay Kogan, MD, MSS, ABFP, FAAFP, CPE, Teresa M. Martin, RD, LD, CDE
, have nothing to disclose relative to this activity.
Planning Committee Disclosures
Independent medical writers Mary Mihalovic and Judy Dyrud, and the staff of Pharmacy Times Office of Continuing Professional Education and The American Journal of Managed Care have nothing to disclose relative to this activity.
Continuing Education
Best Practices for Optimal Outcomes in the Treatment of Diabetes
To provide participants with information about the causes and medical and economic consequences of type 2 diabetes and to provide strategies for treatment and management of patients.
This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of managed care professionals, family medicine, internal medicine, and pharmacists involved in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes.
After completing this activity, the participant should be better able to:
Describe the burden of type 2 diabetes with respect to payer, provider, and patient
Establish the importance of effectively treating type 2 diabetes, citing current standards of care
Describe the achievement of treatment goals for patients with type 2 diabetes
Identify barriers to care related to reaching glycemic goals focusing on payer, provider, and patient issues
• Discuss next steps for "best practices" in the care of diabetes, integrating successful programs with current treatment guidelines and treatment options
Pharmacy Times Office of Continuing Professional Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program is approved for 3.0 contact hours (0.3 CEUs) under the ACPE universal program number of 0290-0000-09-013-H01-P.
Release Date: September 1, 2009
Expiration Date: August 31, 2011
Merck & Co. Inc.
This supplement has been supported by an educational grant from
The contents of this supplement may include information regarding the use of products that may be inconsistent with or outside the approved labeling for these products in the United States. Physicians should note that the use of these products outside current approved labeling is considered experimental and are advised to consult prescribing information for these products.