An accompanying editorial by a Fred Hutch researcher says, "The demanding cancer patient looks less like a budget buster and more like an urban myth."
According to a recent study published in JAMA Oncology, medical intervention was demanded or requested by 8.7% of patients with cancer, of which, only 11.4% of requests or demands were deemed inappropriate—contrary to commonly held perceptions by clinicians.
The survey included 3624 unique patients and 60 clinicians, including oncologists, oncology fellows, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who practiced at 3 Philadelphia-area hospitals. Immediately following a patient—clinician encounter or after a half-day clinic session, the clinician was privately interviewed by a trained research associate. United States census data from 2010 were used to determine patient socioeconomic status according to zip code.
Link to the complet article on Cancer Therapy Advisor:
Study Finds Declining SCLC Incidence, but Stagnant Survival Rates