The American Journal of Managed Care convened an expert panel to discuss the development and utility of clinical pathways in oncology care.
The American Journal of Managed Care convened an expert panel to discuss the development and utility of clinical pathways in oncology care.
The Journal invited Robert Dubois, MD, PhD, chief science officer and executive vice president, National Pharmaceutical Council, and Blase N. Polite, MD, MPP, associate professor of medicine, chief quality officer, Section of Hematology/Oncology, University of Chicago. Dr Polite also serves on the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Value Task Force and their Payment Reform Working Group. The panel also included 2 experts from organizations that develop clinical pathways: Michael Fisch, MD, MPH, medical director, Medical Oncology, AIM Specialty Health (a division of Anthem), and Kathy Lokay, president and CEO, Via Oncology.
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