The American Journal of Managed Care


We will continue to strive to reach key clinical decision-makers, an important component of the founding mission of the The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). We believe that we offer contributors unparalleled access to more than 48,000 members of this important community. We offer reduced subscription rates in specific circumstances (eg, students), and are in the process of making AJMC® available in every library in schools of medicine, public health, pharmacy, and nursing. We intend to make every effort to increase our presence in the research settings, both inside and outside of academic institutions.

As ever, we remain keenly interested in hearing from our readers. We welcome motivated individuals to contact us if interested in playing a role in this endeavor. We intend to regularly publish invited expert commentary on relevant but potentially controversial topics in an attempt to stimulate discussion via our Letters to the Editor section.

The most important takeaway message is crystal clear: no matter how successful we are in publishing relevant, high-quality articles, a sound business plan is essential to sustain the Journal. As with many healthcare journals, a substantial amount of our fiscal support is provided by advertising and supplemental issues. Given our current distribution pattern, the Journal could not continue without these activities. In light of this, we want you to know that the editorial and marketing activities of AJMC® are completely separate. No individual involved in the editorial process knows how any given editorial decision will affect the Journal's business activities. Likewise, all editorial decisions are and will remain apart from the business side of the publication.

Supplemental issues: AJMC®'s supplemental issues provide the Journal with significant revenue. Guidelines for supplements that aim to minimize bias and stress full disclosure are in place and are published in each supplement. Like all editors in the healthcare field, we are concerned about biases in the studies induced by industry funding. Similar to other journals that adhere to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, we require full disclosure of conflict of interest of all authors and detailed information regarding funding of submitted research. The articles in the supplements are peer-reviewed under the supervision of a guest editor chosen by the sponsor of the activity.

As part of our efforts to expand our content, we will continue to publish "Special Issues" that will allow us to address relevant topics in more depth. Papers published in special issues will undergo the same peer-review process as manuscripts published in the regular issues of AJMC®. Special issues differ from the regular issues only in that they require separate funding. We feel that if we choose the topic correctly, these special issues will provide an attractive mechanism for the research and policy community to reach a wide spectrum of interested readers.

We ask for your support and counsel to help keep us on our intended path. Please let us know your thoughts on our proposed direction and if you are motivated to do so, help us to attain the high expectations we have set for AJMC®.

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